graphic design

Scott Fisk is a award winning branding, website, and graphic designer in Birmingham Alabama. He works with large and small clients and is adept at helping clients establish and meet design related business goals. Contact Scott Fisk today.

Scott Fisk is a multidisciplinary graphic and UX designer, artist, educator and Chair of the Art Department at Samford University. Scott’s work has been in peer reviewed shows around the world. His work has received dozens of prestigious awards of excellence. Scott was recently awarded an Alabama State Council on the Arts Fellowship. Fellowships are grants awarded to outstanding artists from Alabama who create important works of art and make valuable contributions to the entire state. Scott served as an Army Reserve Photo-Journalist in Iraq often embedding as a combat photographer during combat operations.


  • websites
  • ux design
  • iphone apps
  • android apps
  • social media
  • branding
  • logos
  • motion design
  • 2d animation
  • illustration
  • advertising

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