erotic monkey

Be honest, what was the first thing that came into your mind once you heard of Erotic Monkey? At one time I thought it was a site where you go to see monkeys screeching like mad and having sex with each other and their right hand, but a site visit soon wiped that dirty thought from my mind.

Erotic Monkey is where you go to hire escorts and read reviews of their services. Don’t tell me you have never heard of escorts or I will sic my bulldog on you tonight!

 Escorts are very massively convenient and make it possible for you and anyone else to bone some of the most beautiful ladies, hunks, and trans in the world and make them bleed. All you need to do is have some money and these escorts will come to you and fuck your senses out of whatever hole you choose. Sounds fun, right? Where was I? Oh yes. I was saying something about an Erotic Monkey review. So, tune in for a nice review of this escort site.

You might not know this, but Erotic Monkey is a very popular escort hire and review site. I don’t know where the name comes from. Perhaps it is because most of the users on the platform behave like horny monkeys frantically trying to shove it into whatever hole they see and bragging about their cumming feats later on!


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