mortgage by city

Mortgage calculator is known to be quite accurate. Connect with our mortgage broker in Niagara Falls or St. Catharines for the best mortgage rates.Call Us Now: 905-324-5594


I will negotiate on your behalf. Many people are uncertain or uncomfortable negotiating mortgages directly with their bank. And even if you have an existing relationship with your branch, TMG does millions of dollars of transactions yearly with a wide variety of lending institutions so we have strong lender relationships. I can use that relationship to your advantage to negotiate your mortgage to ensure you secure competitive rates and terms that benefit you.

I will also ensure that you're getting the best rates and terms. Even if you've already been pre-approved for a mortgage by your bank or another financial institution, you're not obliged to stop shopping! I can investigate on your behalf to see if there is an alternative to better suit your needs.

Do you know about mortgage customization? All mortgages are not created equally, and depending on your financial goals, I will ensure the mortgage you receive helps you with those goals. Whether borrowing to purchase, renovate, or make your mortgage interest tax deductible, I can ensure that the mortgage you have helps achieve these financial goals.


Fixed:- A fixed mortgage offers you the security of locking in your interest rate for the term of your mortgage, so you know exactly how much principal and interest you will be paying on the mortgage during the term. Terms range from 6 months to 10 years. Fixed rate mortgages offer some form of pre-payment, from 10% to 25% of the original mortgage balance each year, depending on the lender. If you wish to pay off your mortgage in full, there will be a penalty of either 3 months simple interest, or an Interest Rate Differential (IRD). The benefit of this mortgage is the rate is lower than an open mortgage, making it a more popular option if you have no plans to pre-pay it in full during the term you select.

Variable:A variable-rate mortgage allows you to take advantage of today's low Prime Rate. Most variable rate products are set below prime, terms range from 1 to 5 years. Payments vary depending on the product or lender you choose. In some cases you can fix your payments for up to 5 years, but the interest rate will fluctuate as the Bank Prime Rate changes. In other cases your monthly payments will fluctuate depending on how many times the Prime Rate changes during your term.

Open :- An open mortgage allows you the flexibility to pay off some or the entire mortgage at any time, without penalty. Interest rates are usually higher and are tied to the Bank's Prime Rate.

Secured :- A secured line-of-credit allows you to access the equity in your home whenever you choose. Rates are tied to prime, usually slightly above prime. Required payment on the balance is interest only, making it a good choice where cash flow may be important. Lower interest rates compared to an unsecured line of credit. You may have a secured line of credit and a mortgage, if you have good equity in your home.

We Provide our Services in - St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Niagara on the lake, Lincoln, Grimsby, West Lincoln, Thorold, Fort Erie, Wainfleet, Port Colborne, Welland, Pelham, Ontario Canada



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