Phlebotomy Exam Practice Test

Why exams are a source of stress and how to limit that stress?

When you about to take a test Everyone is in trouble, the anxiety of an exam or an oral, just like an actor before a shoot , everyone is stressed before and during an exam, but not everyone is in control. stress in the same way!  if you don t know how to control your stress, you might not do well in you exam. You must be prepared on how to control you stress. Know that stress and anxiety are under control, so learn to be a little more relaxed before passing your exams, or a job interview. If you cannot destroy stress, you have to live with it, know how to understand it to better control it.


How can you control exam stress?


Have a balanced life sleep well, eat and exercise – You must first have a healthy lifestyle. And for that take care of yourself, sleep well fatigue = irritation = stress, have a balanced diet vegetables, meat, fish, cereals, not too much coffee, exercise very good to release tension: the sport releases a natural hormone called endorphin that has the peculiarity of acting on morale and providing a feeling of well-being, or even airing the mind watching a series, a movie, seeing a friend, family  before a busy period under review, or even a major job interview. So you need to “save” yourself to put all the chances on your side of having a healthy body. Similarly, relaxing allows you, of course, to approach this step in a more serene way. Before the actual exam you will need to rest as much as possible. Avoid watching TV the night of you exam.

Give yourself goals – Step by step, exam after exam, don’t look at all the exams that are coming but look at them one by one, with method every little step seems more accessible. You will now put everything into play to be positive and move forward. To do this, plan your goals, which will allow you to see them more clearly in your personal steps. Make a schedule, it allows you to be organized: plan your revisions or prepare your interview by finding out about the company that receives you, the codes in force in this sector of activity, etc.

The Exam Day – Having slept very well, you have the potato, the smile  the blessing of the gods of the exam  From breakfast, fill up the batteries with vitamins orange juice, fruit ., eat still balanced cereals, ham, but especially not don’t revise up to 2 hours before the exam otherwise everything gets mixed up and you’ll go crazy for nothing. Prepare your belongings pens, calculator,  if necessary, bring water, handkerchiefs, chocolate . and your t-shirt brings happiness! Smile  you will succeed!


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Phlebotomy Exam Practice Test