Sativa Cannabis Canada

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The most important piece of advice is to pick the right strain that has the potential to relax. You will probably know that all weed strains aren’t the same in terms of composition and effects. For example, slurricaine strain is a 60/40 indica-dominant hybrid, which makes it ideal for your purpose. While it is relaxing, it will not completely knock you. Moreover, its THC content makes it perfect for a restful night because the effect stays for long.
THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that hits you and offers a feeling of immense relaxation. If you want to feel that hit, pay attention to the strain composition, and opt for one high in THC. Conversely, a CBD-dominant strain is apt for users looking for strains with healing potential.

Dosing is Crucial

When it comes to using cannabis for relaxation, correct dosing is crucial. You cannot go overboard with the dose only because you want to feel calm rather than derive a medicinal benefit. You have to follow the same dosage rules as if using it for pain, insomnia, or any other medical condition. Start low and slow and reach an optimal level where you experience the expected results. It is best to stick to smaller doses if you want to attain maximum relaxation, specifically if you are a beginner. A couple of drags, a few drops of a tincture, or a single slice of pot brownie may be enough to make you feel relaxed without getting you high. Understanding your tolerance levels is also crucial because every person has a different one. It can help you control the experience for better outcomes.

Choose the Timing Carefully

Another factor to bear in mind while using cannabis for relaxation is the timing of the session. You should stick to the evening because you need a calm feeling at the end of the day. Moreover, you will not have to worry about an urgent work task or client call spoiling the session. After all, you will not expect to attend to them while being high. Choosing evening sessions is beneficial as you can achieve the feeling of calmness and have a restful night ahead. If you are on a break, there isn’t a need to be selective about the timing. You can indulge anytime you want to feel the relaxing vibes that come with a cannabis experience.

Sativa Cannabis Canada


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